Windows 8 Launcher 1.7 For Android
An entirely new experience on your android ! This launcher allows your phone to emulate a windows 8 pc on your Android device. You can replace this home with the default one and access everything on your phone through Windows 8 for Android. You can add tiles with your favorite applications on the home screen as well as your most used apps like the browser, phone, mail, and messaging. There are also folders so that you can add your favorite games, social, and media apps
JellyBean Loaded V4 Launcher
This Custom launcher combines the feel of Jelly Bean to your gingerbread with additional features such as circle select,icon size changer etc. developed by xXx~~~SHLOK~~~xX +xda-developers
CrossBreeder - 7.2.13 MOD Galaxy Y
VERY IMPORTANT - Please take a NANDROID backup of your device before installing this MOD. This MOD is alpha and still some way to go before stabilising. Please do download both CrossBreeder and the Uninstall ZIP together to your SD Card so you can uninstall in case of any issues.
SGS III Nature UX UI 4.2.2 ROM Galaxy ACE
This is a custom rom by SpaceCaker at xda. Its a full fledged ROM for Galaxy ace with a styled settings,power button settings and various statusbar tweaks.
Touchwiz Revolutionized 5.0-V3.1 Galaxy Ace S5830
This Awesome ROM by Sky_Walker +xda-developers is for Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830, S5830i, Ace II
Give him a thanks if you like his work.
This is a ROM based on DDLK2 Gingerbread by sajidmkhan +xda-developers If you want a DDLK2 based custom rom you can install it.If you fell it worthy dont forget to give him a thanks.
Multi Root Installer V1.0 Galaxy Y
Thank manoranjan2050 +xda-developers
Feature Of Multi Root Installer
Added SuperUser 3.1.3+Su
Added SuperSU 0.94+Su
Added BusyBox binary v1.20.2
Added SQlite3
Added SSh
UnRoot Support
Deleting all traces of Superuser And SuperSU
Deleting all traces of Suhax
Deleting all traces of Busybox and Busyboxpro
Supported/Tested Device
(If It Work On Other Device Please PM Me i wl Add It In List)
Galaxy Y (GT-S5360)
Galaxy Y Duos (GT-S6102)
Galaxy ACE Duos (GT-S6802)
GitHub Source Multi-Root-Installer
How To Flash
Copy To SD Card Root, Flash It Via CWM
HOLO UBUNTU is a custom theme for galaxy Y .The UI is 100% ubuntu touch look alike but the holo and the blue colour of ics is retained which makes it look so elegant. And more all apps can be accessed via home screen.and many more features in this theme.
This theme is tested on Hyperion 8 but will work on all roms